1. Create the primary key constraint (disabled)
alter table DEPT add ( constraint PK_DEPT primary key (DEPTNO)) disable primary key;2. Create a unique index with the same name & columns as the primary key
create unique index PK_DEPT on DEPT (DEPTNO) tablespace DATA_1 storage (initial 10M next 1M pctincrease 0) parallel (degree 5) unrecoverable;3. Enable the primary key
alter table DEPT enable primary key;
Export / Import using named pipe with compress
To export to a compressed file:
/etc/mknod pipename p compress < pipename > newfilename.Z & exp <username>/<password> file=pipename rm -f pipenameTo import from a compressed file:
/etc/mknod pipename p uncompress < newfilename.Z > pipename & imp <username>/<password> file=pipename rm -f pipename
Building a bogus table
create table a (a1 number, a2 varchar2(50)); insert into a values (555,'I am a unique and extraordinary individual'); insert into a select * from a; -- insert 1 row insert into a select * from a; -- insert 2 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 4 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 8 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 16 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 32 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 64 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 128 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 256 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 512 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 1024 rows insert into a select * from a; -- insert 2048 rows update a set a1 = mod(rownum*1551,4096); commit; alter table a add constraint pk_a primary key (a1); select count(*) from a; -- 4096 rows
Decreasing size of column (which contains data)
Let's say you want to decrease ENAME from VARCHAR2(10) to VARCHAR2(7)
Oracle allows you to increase the size of a column but does not allow you to decrease the size of a column.
Here's a way to decrease the size of a column which contains data.
SQL> desc emp Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ---- EMPNO NOT NULL NUMBER(4) ENAME VARCHAR2(10) JOB VARCHAR2(9) MGR NUMBER(4) HIREDATE DATE SAL NUMBER(7,2) COMM NUMBER(7,2) DEPTNO NUMBER(2) drop table FIX_IT; create table FIX_IT as select rowid rowid_xx, ENAME from EMP; create index FIX_IT on FIX_IT (rowid_xx); alter table EMP modify (ENAME NULL); update EMP set ENAME = NULL; alter table EMP modify (ENAME VARCHAR2(7)); update EMP set ENAME = ( select ENAME from FIX_IT where rowid_xx = EMP.rowid); drop table FIX_IT;
Long Deletes (committing every x number of records)
set time on set echo on declare cnt number(7) := 0; tot number(7) := 0; cursor C1 is select rowid from <OWNER>.<TABLE_NAME> where <YOUR CRITERIA>; begin for REC in C1 loop delete from <OWNER>.<TABLE_NAME> where rowid = REC.rowid; tot := tot + 1; cnt := cnt + 1; if (cnt >= 1000) then commit; cnt := 0; end if; end loop; commit; dbms_output.put_line('<YOUR TABLE> records deleted: '||tot); end; /
Identify and remove duplicate records
Identify duplicate records:
select COL1, COL2, COL#, COUNT(*) from <OWNER>.<TABLE_NAME> group by COL1, COL2, COL# having count(*) > 1;
delete from <OWNER>.<TABLE_NAME> a where rowid < ( select max(rowid) from <OWNER>.<TABLE_NAME> b where b.COL1 = a.COL1 and b.COL2 = a.COL2 and b.COL# = a.COL#);
delete from <OWNER>.<TABLE_NAME> where rowid in ( select rowid from <OWNER>.<TABLE_NAME> minus select max(rowid) from <OWNER>.<TABLE_NAME> b group by b.COL1, b.COL2,b.COL#);
Display Installed Products & Version
This will show you everything installed and its version for your defined $ORACLE_HOME.
Make sure your $ORACLE_HOME variable is set correctly.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/orainst ./inspdver
My other Oracle pages
Stewart McGlaughlin
Oracle DBA